You don't have to be in our location to receive our services.


This time, we are going to share some scientific discoveries, but we'll simplify the information so you don't fall asleep in the middle of reading it! In Quantum Physics they discovered that a pair of entangled particles showed the exact same state at the same time. In other words, whatever changes were generated on one, would also show up on the other, even when separated by a vast distance. This was also tested by taking a part of a plant and sending it to a different location, and the scientists noticed, that whatever stimuli were applied to one, also affected the other. You may have also heard stories of twins, that feel what the other sibling is feeling. We have also had times when we reached out to someone because we had a "Spidey-sense" that something wasn't right, and they would confirm they were going through a tough situation. All of these examples, are signs that we are more connected than we allow ourselves to believe. Furthermore, this connection allows energy work to be possible across great distances.

Back in 2013, in a Qigong workshop Rolando participated in, he learned that "In the realm of energy, there's no time or space". So he decided to test this theory, he sent Qi (with healing intention) to a client in another part of town (with her permission). Afterwards, she told him she felt a rush of heat that made her take off her sweater and the headache she had before was gone! This was simply a small taste of what was to come.

Our current clients have reported the same level of efficacy in our distance work as our in-person work. One client in Alaska even said she felt the droplets of Florida Water as Rolando sprayed the Chakra stones with it. And it's not uncommon for Haydee's clients to say that they feel her touch, even though they are in different places. We are now used to seeing the faces of our clients with an expression of "How is that possible?!". But for us, it's what we do everyday.

So here's what we do, we create a connection, an entanglement as mentioned above, between our client and a proxy (with the client's permission). In Reiki, Haydee uses a Teddy Bear, in Shamanic Energy Medicine, Rolando uses Chakra stones. We perform our work on the object(s) at hand, while the client is receiving the benefits of the work on the other end of our Zoom call. 

It is important to clarify that in order for us to do our work efficiently we need:

1. Your consent. This means we don't do energy work on anyone we want just because we can. That would be a violation of your right to choose and it would be unethical. We must have your permission to do our work for you. 

2. Your presence. We need you to be in a Zoom call with your practitioner, in a quiet and private place, without interruptions, and in a place where you can lie down while still being on camera. 

3. Your openness. If you come for a service, already thinking it won't work, then it won't. We can't force your body to heal. Healing comes from you, all we do is clear the path for healing to happen. We open the door, and it's you who chooses to walk through it. So it starts with your own desire to heal, and being open to receiving what we have to offer. 

These three things are key for us to be able to do our work with you regardless of where you are located.

For many years, while performing physical services like Massage and Bodywork Therapy, it was sad to see a client move out of state because we knew we couldn't help them with our services anymore. But now, that's not the case! We have done distance energy work with people in other states, in Europe, Australia, South America, and even here in town (they were bedridden and unable to come to us physically).

So, if you have been interested in our services, but you're not able to be physically at our location, now you know that we can still serve you. Simply make sure you select the Virtual or Distance option when booking your Reiki or  Shamanic Energy Medicine appointment. Also, if you have friends or family who can benefit from our work, but they live far from here or are unable to come physically, please forward this page to them.
In Ayni,

Ayni Holistic Healing

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